Apr 15, 2009


The B’More Fair is this Saturday and it looks to be an amazing day of celebration and building a collective vision to secure justice and human rights in our City. 

  - Saturday, April 18   Noon – 4PM 
  - followed by the Human Rights Zone March to the Inner Harbor
  - Carroll Park (Washington Blvd and South Monroe) 


Main Stage Concert...

  - Purpose of Praise
  - Hip Hop Congress
  - Son Jarocho
  - E the Poet
  - Carolyn Malachi
  - Dream Nation - Marching band extraordinaire!

Interative Tent...

  - Urban Debate League
  - Armando & Ryan
  - Songs of Social Movement
  - Militant Advocates
  - Youth as Resources
Teachers' Round Table

Puppet and Prop Making

A Kid’s Zone run by Kids for Peace

Prometheus Radio (bring a portable radio along to hear the live low-powered FM broadcast from the fair!)

Info tables of over 40 social justice organizations working in Baltimore.

Apr 11, 2009

B'More Fair - April 18 - 12 noon - Carroll Park

With less than a week to go... we hope to see everyone at the B'More Fair on Saturday April 18.  The fair will be followed by the United Workers Human Rights Zone March.  The fair starts at 12 noon.  The march starts at 4 PM.  Join us at Carroll Park!  See you there!

Apr 8, 2009

Mass Outreach Saturday April 11

We are doing another outreach day this Saturday, April 11th. Join us in getting the word out about this amazing celebration of community power!

We will all meet at the Waverly Farmers Market to gather fliers and coordinate. We will be handing out fliers and talking with the people from your city about the event. From there, folks will go to either Lexington Market, Hollins Market, the North East Market, or stay at the Waverly Farmers Market. We will spend the early afternoon promoting the B-MORE FAIR at each of these locations.

If you have any questions or would rather meet at one of the other market locations rather than going to Waverly first, please call Ryan (number below) and let him know so we can send someone with fliers out there.

WHAT: Another Mass Outreach Day!
WHEN: Saturday April 11th, 11 am to 3 pm
WHERE: Meet at the Waverly Farmers Market, 32nd St & Barclay St.

CONTACT: Ryan Harvey at 410-733-6867

Apr 3, 2009

Download the Flyer

Download, print and distribute the pdf version of the B'More Fair flyer.

Looking for Some Useful Stuff... You Got It?

We all know that this fair is about generating community power – but we can't make that happen unless we can generate some electrical power!

Because there are no electrical plug-ins available to us at Carroll Park, the B-More fair is currently seeking generators that we can use to power our concert, food vendors, radio broadcast, and other interactive events at the fair. If you or your organization has access to a generator that you'd be willing to loan to the event, please contact Cricket at carrison1234@gmail.com.

We are also looking for loans of around 60 tables and 150 chairs. If your organization has folding chairs or tables, we will arrange to pick them up and return them to you the weekend of the event.

Additionally, please us know if you can bring some battery powered radios to the fair, so that we can hear Prometheus Radio's live low-power FM broadcast while it's happening.

Mass Days of Outreach - THIS weekend!

This weekend we will be coordinating mass days of outreach to spread the word about this fantastic event. This is a great opportunity for folks to get involved who don't have much time to devote, but care about our city and our communities. It's also a great way to get familiar with parts of the city that you may not know much about!

SATURDAY April 4th: Meet at 4PM at the United Workers office (901 Hollins St). From there everyone will split up into cars and go to designated neighborhoods of the city to post fliers in local businesses and in public spaces.

SUNDAY April 5th: Meet at 1PM at the United Workers office (901 Hollins St). This day we will focus more on giving out fliers in popular public spaces such as the Inner Harbor and Lexington Market.

Everyone is welcome to come for however much time they are able to give. If you can't come one day, come the other day!


Tape, staples and fliers will be provided, but please bring your own if you have any to spare.